Isabella Rossellini IsaBella gift set EDP 30ml + body lotion 200ml
Isabella Rossellini IsaBella gift set EDP 30ml + body lotion 200ml
- Stock: In Stock
- Model: ISRISSET30
- Weight: 550.00g
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Isabella Rossellini IsaBella gift set EDP 30ml + body lotion 200ml is a discontinued fragrance. Isabella Rossellini IsaBella gift set EDP 30ml + body lotion 200m sill has many fans who if looking for this fragrance must visit our website :) CouCou can deliver various rare and scarce fragrances no longer produced. If you crave after something different to Isabella Rossellini IsaBella gift set EDP 30ml + body lotion 200m we might be able to deliver it to you. Just fill in our request form.
Concentration | |
Concentration | eau de parfum |
Fragrance type | |
Fragrance type | oriental vanilla |
Volume | |
Volume | 30ml + 200ml |
Designed for | |
Designed for | women |