Brand: CouCou
Model: PARCH01
A gyermek fehér pozicionáló betéte biztosítja a gyermek nyugodt alvását. Mérete miatt megakadályozza, hogy a gyermek hasra boruljon, és csökkenti a gyermek hirtelen halál szindrómájának kockázatát. Az anyag puha tapintású, és lehetővé teszi a baba bőrének lélegzését, és segít csökkenteni a túlmelege..
Brand: CouCou
Model: barsta078
Barsta holder stand is designed for demanding photographers and cameramen wishing to make interesting photos from non-traditional positions and places from different angles...
rubber against slipping
3600 rotational head
screw for fixing to the bar
screw for fixing the position of t..
Brand: CouCou
Model: boardee99
These stickers act as school boards on which you can write and then they can be wiped away. Great for marking glasses at a party.
mark party glasses and everyone will know whose they are
also useful for labeling jars in the kitchen, pots, bottles of wine, etc.
You can write with ..
Brand: CouCou
Model: bokee08
Bokee is very handy shelf hidden from the eyes of all. This designer gadget allows you to store your favorite books anywhere on the wall and making them seem to hang in the air.
capacity up to 8kg
dimensions: 14x13x4cm..
Brand: CouCou
Model: bren83
Bren cleaning pen helps you always keep your lens clean for perfect photos wherever you are. At one end, a soft brush and on the other a smear polisher. Cleaning brush and polishing pen in one. Bren is the ideal product for those who care about quality of their shots...
Brand: CouCou
Model: buttee019
Buttee kés - elektromos vajkésA Buttee egy elektromos vajkés, amellyel egyszerűen kenhető a vaj közvetlenül a hűtőszekrényből. Elég forró a vaj levágásához és kenéséhez. Már nem kell megvárni, amíg a vaj természetes módon megpuhul. Olyan egyszerű és olyan zseniális...
Brand: CouCou
Model: 1456case
Replacement maternity support pillow cover. This spare cover helps you to use your pregnancy pillow constantly even when you need to wash your pillow case.
Colour: white
Easy care
Machine washable
No need to iron
Material: cotton..
Brand: CouCou
Model: coog123
Excellent assistant for baking cakes, muffins, breads and other goodies. This multi-level storage grid ensures optimum cooling of dishes from all sides. Since it's three storey you do not have to worry that you'll have little space. Easy maintenance and storage.
three-storey storage desig..
Brand: CouCou
Model: Corspine2
Corspine II helps prevent and eliminate slowching. In addition it helps to regulate the protruding abdomen (especially important for women!) and asymmetry of arms which is often caused by carrying heavy backpacks or bags on one shoulder. This new product allows simultaneous correction of 3 types of ..
Brand: CouCou
Model: srap1221
This camera neck strap is made from neoprene, the same material used to protect scuba divers.
CouCou strap is very soft and flexible and non-slip mat prevents the strap from slipping out of your neck. The biggest advantage of this strap is that its soft neoprene absorbs the weight of the camera a..
Brand: CouCou
Model: t78345
Digital kitchen thermometer for cooking is multifunctional, with low consumption, high stability and measures with high accuracy. Digital kitchen thermometer for cooking is easy to use and handy for all cooks. It is an ideal tool when preparing food where you need to check the te..
Brand: CouCou
Model: OZON120
Elektromos bőrkezelő készülék - az ózonizátor otthoni használatra is alkalmas. Segít a pattanások elleni küzdelemben, a bőr öregedése ellen, eltávolítja a hegeket, segít a hajhullás vagy a korpásodás problémájában. A felmerülő magas frekvencia növeli a bőr bazális rétegének aktivitását, lágyítja a b..
Brand: CouCou
Model: Feetback012
Feetback pillow is specially designed pillow either to put your legs up or for back support when reading or eating. Suitable for patients with respiratory problems.
"two in one" design allows fine tilt angle for those who have breathing problems or with certain heart diseases
Brand: CouCou
Model: Feetnet22
Great substitute for putting feet up under the table whether at home or in office. Ability to set up the height of the hammock allows it to be used in lower positions during work or roll it up and relax as if on the beach.
Be unique and replace your old stools for this novelty. You can adjust the..
Brand: CouCou
Model: tripode830
aluminum body - durable and lightweight
pack also contains a carry case for protection
weight: 730g
height: 495 mm folded and 1345 mm fully extended
360o rotary knob
universal 1/4" screw
various variability adjustments..
Brand: CouCou
Model: strap9779
Óvja a fényképezőgépet a kicsi és praktikus kézszíj megcsúszásától.Csúszásmentes felülettel rendelkezik, és extra biztonságot, kényelmet és jobb kezelhetőséget biztosít.Pad szépen megkönnyíti a kezét, stabilizálja a fényképezőgépet felvétel vagy filmezés közben.A kézi hevedert az alján keresztül biz..